North Tama Kindergarten News 2005 - 2006

Thursday, January 19, 2006

January 20, 2006

January 20, 2006

Dear Families,

What a week! We learned about Martin Luther King, Jr. and dictated two facts we learned about him on a paper. We talked about water, where it comes from, and its uses. The kindergartners learned about whales. We took our scheduled winter walk and noticed that the ground doesn’t look too winterish. Not much snow could be found! We read the book Weekend With Wendell and laughed at all the wild things Wendell did when he stayed at a friend’s house. Then they told us what they would do with Wendell if he were able to stay overnight. We had centers again this week. During center time, the kindergartners rotated through 7 different activities. The children spent between 10 and 15 minutes at each center and moved when the timer rang. Centers included War the card game, ABC Bingo, the store in the dramatic play center, water in the sensory table, a shapes and color word worksheet, writing in our journals, and a watermelon counting activity.

Next week we will be studying the letter Jj. For sharing, the boys and girls should bring an object that starts with Jj.

Some families are thinking about Valentine’s Day already. Children can choose to have a valentine for each child in their particular group or one for each child in the class. (This means that reds could give a valentine to only the reds, or the reds and the blues. The blues could give a valentine only to the blues, or the the blues and the reds.) Attached to this newsletter is the list of names for each group. We encourage children to start working on them early. Writing their own name 18 to 37 times takes a long time. Families can help write the students’ names that the valentines will be given to.


We have had a lot of colds in the classroom. We try to keep germs spreading to a minimum, but that is difficult. We wash hands often, clean the toys, tables, and pencils, and encourage students to cough and sneeze into their elbows instead of their hands. You will be called to pick up your child if we believe that he/she is too sick to be at school. We hope that you understand.

We hope you can keep warm this winter weekend!

Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Owens, and Mrs. Herink

February 14th - Valentine’s Day (Right now parties are scheduled for this day.)
February 14th - School dismisses at 12:25
February 17th - NO SCHOOL
February 20 - NO SCHOOL (Presidents’ Day)


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