North Tama Kindergarten News 2005 - 2006

Friday, August 19, 2005

August 24, 2005

My First Day of

I had a good first day of school! The day went by very quickly! If I couldn't come to school on Tuesday, Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Howard, and Mrs. Herink helped me put my school supplies in the right places, and they told me where I would be sitting for the first nine weeks of school. Please ask me to tell you my table number. We talked about the rules we have in our class that help things run smoothly for everyone. These rules are written on the next page, and the teachers would like you to read them over with me .

Also today we had a Welcome to School assembly, recesses, lunch, rest time, and afternoon milk and snack. We learned a couple of action fingerplays and listened to some stories about the first day of school. Mrs. Howard's class went to art with Mrs. Betts and music with Mr. Shay. Mrs. Owens' class went to art with Mrs. Betts. We wrote our names on a paper for our teachers to save until the end of kindergarten so we can see our improvement. Here is how I wrote my name.

Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Howard, and Mrs. Herink have several more important things to tell you about my kindergarten class. They want you to watch for the notes I'll be bringing home during the school year. They also say to feel free to send a note or call if you have any questions or concerns.

It is also very important to send a note if I am to leave school with someone different, or if I am to go somewhere other than where I normally go.

I think kindergarten will be a fun place to learn!
I bet you can't believe I 'm really old enough to be in school now!
Kindergarten Class Rules

1. Be kind to each other
2. Be helpful to each other
3. Listen when someone else is talking
4. Raise your hand to talk
5. Share
6. Take turns


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